Eartheart customers are great! We've gotten some outstanding photos of beautiful gardens and delicious crops from all over the United States. Here are a few of our favorites.

These maroon lilies started with 5 plants a few years ago and every year they keep doubling. Thanks to Eartheart this garden now contains over 100 plants! Since the garden is in the same neighborhood as the whitetail deer(which love nibbling the buds off) it is important to spray the new buds occasionally with Eartheart Organic Fence.

This huge raspberry patch yielded over a gallon of raspberries a day!

A beautiful flower arrangement that is taking over the pot!

Feeding a gorgeous clump of birch trees with the Green Scape Buddy delivery system.

Notice the difference in the treated pine trees on the right compared to the untreated pine trees on the left. Trees love Eartheart!

Now that cabbage will make a great coleslaw!

We're not sure who is happier…the tangelo tree or our Eartheart customers!

Growing Eartheart tomatoes in sandy soil in northern Minnesota.

Three weeks after being transplanted into the garden these strawberry plants are over two feet high and starting to produce.

Minnesota sweet corn!

Delicious Minnesota apples using Eartheart Naturals

Look at the difference in these maple trees! The maple tree on the left has been left to grow without using Eartheart and the maple tree on the right has been treated using Eartheart’s all natural tree food. Seeing is believing!